BD Kielnia do gipsu 2K DOLPHIN 60mm

Catalogue index: 15075

  • Availability: In stock
  • Delivery time: Completion to 2 days
  • Delivery: from PLN20.00 (Kurier)
PLN14.99 -20% PLN11.99 gross / szt. PLN9.75 net + 23% VAT / szt.
The lowest price during 30 days prior to the promotion: PLN14.99 / szt. -20%

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Catalogue index:
  • 15075
Country of origin:
Package weight [kg]:
  • 0.12

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Odbiór osobisty : from PLN0.00
Kurier ŁATY : from PLN50.00
Kurier : from PLN20.00
Kurier POBRANIE : from PLN22.00
Dostawa G24 WARSZAWA : from PLN50.00